26th October 2022
Charity, Perspective News
We’re very proud to be the 2022 headline sponsor of NE Youth’s Projects With Pride Awards taking place on 2nd November at the Grand Hotel Gosforth Park, Newcastle upon Tyne.
These well- known Awards have been running for many years, celebrating and recognising the amazing achievements of the North East’s young people, staff and volunteers. On the night there will be over 350 attendees from Teesside to Sunderland and Tyneside to Northumberland.
Amongst the 11 award categories are:
– Community Champion of the Year
– Outstanding Contribution to Sport
– Project of the Year
– Young Achiever of the Year
– Youth Worker of the Year
Charles Penn, our Group Head of Marketing who is based in Newcastle upon Tyne, was a member of the Judging Panel and will also be presenting some of the prizes on the night.
He said: “NE Youth has provided incredible support and inspiration for many thousands of young people since it was founded nearly 90 years ago. It is hugely impressive and personally humbling to see the new and innovative things young people are achieving.
“Perspective is very proud to sponsor this event – I can’t think of a time when it’s been more important to recognise and showcase the great things young people in the region are doing.
“It’s desperately sad that too many of young people still are having to cope with tough and challenging childhoods – often very close to our own doorsteps.
“We, Perspective, are proud to play a small part in giving young people in our region, including school leavers and graduates, the opportunity to have challenging and satisfying jobs and careers in the region and beyond.
“We took on over a dozen young people last month in our Academy where they are undergoing a two year structured training programme for long term careers with us. We, and I’m sure the other firms who support NE Youth, would be delighted to have young people who NE Youth have supported, work for us one day.
“We congratulate everyone here tonight for their amazing work, and particularly the winners who have gone above and beyond in their dedication day in and day out.”