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Seven charities benefit from Perspective’s £12,000 donation


2nd August 2024


Charity, Perspective News

Supporting good causes and strengthening local communities has always been especially important to us with the communities around our 40 local offices mattering a great deal to both our clients and staff.

We are proud to ‘give back’. Our staff deliver over 3,500 hours of hands-on support to charities and community projects every year.

At our recent annual conference at the NEC, Birmingham, our staff selected seven great causes to support. Generously, our Board members personally matched Perspective’s initial donation, giving a total of £12,000.

The charities to benefit were:

Midlands Air Ambulance Charity – Jamie Taylor, Financial Planner in our Woodstock, Oxon office said: “14 years ago I had a serious mountain biking accident resulting in a head and neck injury. I still have no recollection of around a month of my life. I was wearing a helmet, but the impact split it in two! I was air-lifted from the crash on Bredon Hill, near Evesham to Worcestershire Royal Hospital where I spent 48 hours on a spinal bed and four months in a neck brace.

“The Midlands Air Ambulance saved my life that day and I regularly undertake charity work for them to try and pay something back.”

The charity said: “Thank you for your kind gift of £4,000. Our mission is to provide patients with outstanding pre-hospital care and lifesaving intervention through the operation of helicopter-led emergency medical services (HEMS) – we will continue to save more lives and improve survivors’ quality of life through the provision of a comprehensive, transparent, clinical and operational helicopter led emergency service aligned to changing patient need and demand.

“Every second counts in an emergency and on average, our crew arrive on scene within ten minutes, whether by air ambulance or in one of our critical care cars.”

The Movement Centre (TMC) – Vanessa Lowe, Administrator in our Oswestry, Shropshire office said: “We chose TMC because they are a specialist treatment centre based in Oswestry, that treats children from every corner of the UK.  TMC is dedicated to supporting children and their families living with movement difficulties, by providing a specialist children’s physiotherapy called Targeted Training Therapy, to help children gain movement control.

“Targeted Training therapy can enable children to develop new skills and become far more independent.  This can have a huge impact on their life. It can also make a big difference to the lives of their family and friends.

“Through a course of Targeted Training therapy children can gain head control, so they can interact with their family; it can help children develop the skills to sit unaided, so that they can play with their friends. For some children it can enable them to walk, which means they can be far more independent!”

TMC replied: “Thank you! We are delighted to have ongoing support from Perspective’s local office, who are an amazing and caring group of individuals, and a force when it comes to fundraising.

“We have had support from Julian, Vanessa and the team for a number of years, and have been lucky enough to be chosen as charity of the year for two years running – we can’t thank them enough. Their contribution to our fundraising efforts has been incredible and has supported a number of therapy sessions.

“Alongside the ongoing fundraising efforts of the team at Perspective (West) Ltd, we were delighted to recently receive £2,000 from their Group’s annual conference. These fundraising efforts are making a huge difference to us and ultimately the children and families that attend our centre.”

Dementia UK – Daria Opanowska, Head of Finance said: “Supporting friends and family with Dementia has been close to my heart for a number of years.”

Hilda Hayo, Chief Executive of Dementia UK said: “Thank you for your donation of £1,000 which means that even more families will receive the life-changing care of an Admiral Nurse. Our nurses are here to help people when they need it most. They have the time to listen and the knowledge to solve problems. For families affected by dementia, they can be a lifeline.

“Admiral Nurses help people living with dementia stay independent for longer and support the people caring for them. They help to give them the strength to cope with the bad days, and the energy to enjoy the good days.”

The Scout Association – Mel Latham, Financial Planner in our Milton Keynes office said: “We chose Scouts as my family have been involved with Scouts for four generations. My great-grandfather and grandfather built the Scout hut in my local community in the 1950’s which sadly was burned down in 2010. Through The Scout Foundation we were able to build a new hut and keep the community thriving.

“In an age of mobile phones and technology, it’s great to support Scouts to embrace nature and promote friendships for children.”

Cancer Research UK – Clare Brandon, Financial Planner in our Chesham, Bucks office said: “Cancer seems to be striking more people at younger ages than ever before.  We all know someone who has suffered and watched the impact of the disease on their life and family. Knowing so many would benefit was a key driver in our choice of charity and we hope that our contribution will make a difference.”

Muscular Dystrophy UK – Lindsey Pepperell-Wood, Head of People said: “I am grateful that Muscular Dystrophy UK works towards a future with effective treatments and ultimately cures for all muscle-wasting conditions and where there are no limits in life for people who are affected. This is an encouraging time with many clinical trials in development, and several treatments either available or emerging on the horizon.”

Muscular Dystrophy UK said: “On behalf of all we want to express our heartfelt appreciation to you for your kind donation. With your help, we are able to fund ground-breaking research and life changing support for people living with muscle wasting and weakening conditions. Together we are changing the future.”

Alzheimer’s Society – Julie Meulenbergs, Head of Business Monitoring said: “I’m really pleased to support this great cause given the impact it has had on people close to me.”

Susanne Driffield, of Alzheimer’s Society said: “A huge thank you for your generous donation! We are so grateful. Your donation will contribute to game-changing work like the recently announced Lecanemab, a drug which has been shown to slow down the decline in thinking and memory skills in people living with early Alzheimer’s disease by 27%.

“We’re incredibly proud that Alzheimer’s Society research was responsible for the breakthrough that made this research.”

Ian Wilkinson, Chief Executive Officer said: “I strongly believe that giving back to charities and communities is a key part of what makes us a successful group.

“I’m proud of how well our 550 staff actively engage with the communities around them.  I think it works both ways – our Six Values include Doing the Right Thing, Always Delivering and Teamwork. These are just as important within our business as for the communities and charities that we support.”